Classroom Learning
Our programs comprise of Leadership, Behaviourial, Personal Grooming, Presentation Skills, Employee Engagement and can be customized to your needs.
The Classroom Interventions

Situational Leadership Program
Each team member is different and is variedly skilled at various tasks she performs. As a leader the difference lies in how you manage performance according to the task being executed and their development level in that task. This 1 day intervention will unlock the skills required to be a Situational Leader – 1 day program

Behavioral Event Interviewing
Managers and HR executives face a daunting task of identifying talent and retaining them. But the challenge lies in assesssing people effectively in an interview. Gone are the days when stereotypical questions work. People have become smart and the hiring managers needs to be extra smart. Event based interviewing is the only method to bring out the ‘TRUTH’, assess effectively and make the right hiring decisions – 2 day program

High Impact Presentation skills
What you say is important, how you present is CRITICAL. One of the biggest roadblocks people face in a corporate set up is their inability to deliver impactful presentation. Unfortunately this skill has been misinterpreted and complicated by many. Attend this practical 2 day workshop to break the shackles and bring out the star presenter in you. Remember its NOT just ENGLISH proficiency. – 2 day workshop

Personal Grooming – Business Etiquette
Our dream of working in a multinational company or an onshore location turns out to be a nightmare sometimes as we struggle to understand some mannerisms, practices and habits which have a bearing on how people percieve us. This program in a simple and practical manner helps you understand practice, Dressing etiquettes, Eating Etiquettes with westerners, The professional Handshake and a host of other practices which will put you at ease with people across the globe.

Fun@Work – Fish Philosophy
Having fun at work is a questions highly misinterpreted. Is it really possible? The answer is yes. But how? Well its about making a paradigm change. This 6 hour program introduces to a world renowned philosophy and practice on how to enjoy the most boring and mundane work

The change Challenge – Who Moved My Cheese
Managing change is preceeded up understanding the change cycle. Many stumble at this stage. This 1 day programs introduces you to a proven method of understanding the change curve and how to wriggle through it effectively
Employee Engagement Programs
Pay checks are not the only motivational tools for employees any more. Whats critical to retaining talent is about addressing the varying needs of people. This practical workshop for HR Managers and Senior Leaders will help them unlock their Engagement Agenda
Customized Learning Solutions
Success Enablers is a firm believer in providing solutions that suits your specific needs. Hence a customized program addressing the current challenge you are facing and developing a program suited exclusively for your audience is what differentiates us
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